With pride I present seven world class articles on stakeholder involvement for organisational change and new forms of democracy. They are published in the October Issue of the scientific journal Challenging Organisations and Society. reflective hybrids. I was the editor of this issue and co-authored two articles. The authors present a diversity of perspectives, from abstract theory to very practical experience. With thanks to the authors for their high quality contributions. In particular I thank the seniors Alain de Vulpian, Peter Heintel and Marvin Weisbord for sharing insights from their lifetime research and experience. I had the honour to be their editor and partly co-author.
The authors mention a shift in perception of hierarchy, showing in the desire of people to participate and collaborate. In society, they see the power locus shifting from formal government and institutions to informal networks. The interest of the people in society is becoming more important than the interest of the state. In organisations, attention shifts from individual performance towards collective performance. If we want to take the contributions of internal and external stakeholders seriously, the role of government, managers and consultants will change to being more a partner instead of a parent, with every partner having his own responsibility. However, there is no single best role for government or management to play. Depending on the situation or issue, the formal leaders have their own responsibility for looking after the common interest. This means that leaders, consultants and other stakeholder groups have to be as clear as possible about the role they are ready, willing and able to play and about what they expect from each other.
Read more in my edtior’s introduction with the title ‘The shift in perception of hierarchy and how to provide space for shared leadership’. Click here for a free download. Read more in the abstracts or buy articles. The content of Vol. 2 Issue 2 of the Journal Challenging Organisations and Society. reflective hybrids:
Involving Stakeholders to Develop Change Capacity for More Effective Collaboration and Continuous Change
Editorial – Tonnie van der Zouwen
The Shift in Perception of Hierarchy and How to Provide Space for Shared Leadership
Alain de Vulpian / Tonnie van der Zouwen
Socioperception and the Emergence of an Economy of Meaning
The Key Role of Socioperceptive People in Transforming Organisations and Society
Tova Averbuch
The Little Engine That Could
How a Four People Unit Engages Stakeholders in Participatory Strategic Planning and Action – The Story and Its Lessons
Lucien van der Plaats
Consigning Public Services to the People
Shifting from a Regulating to a Participating Government in The Netherlands
Marc Vermeulen
Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth
Stakeholder Management in 21th Century Nonprofit Organizations
Peter Heintel / Tonnie van der Zouwen
Reflecting Power and Consultancy
From Supporting Heroism to Enabling Distributed Leadership
Antonie van Nistelrooij / Eva van der Fluit / Rob de Wilde
The Paradox of Programmed Dialogue in Large Group Interventions
A Social Constructionist’ Perspective
Marvin Weisbord / Sandra Janoff
Ten Principles for Making Meetings Matter
About the Authors