Evaluation of effectiveness of complex interventions for organisational change
In my research on effective use of Large Scale Interventions, I developed an evaluation instrument. It is based on audit methods for assessment of quality management systems, such as ISO 9000. The ‘norm’, the set of quality criteria, has been built from a synthesis of existing evidence from experience and theory. Read more in my book Building an evidence based practical guide to Large Scale Interventions. Towards sustainable organisational change with the whole system.
If you want to evaluate a Large Scale Intervention process, or another complex intervention for organisational change, this method might be of use. On this site you can download the evaluation instrument and additional forms with audit questions, score table and score chart. They are available for free, but please honour my work by mentioning my name and copyright.
The book is an interesting combination of research and practical experience in different formats of Large Group Interventions like LGI, Future Search, Open Space, etc. The author has addressed both the logical and the emotional dimensions that are dealt with during the LGI processes. The book gives a detail and a clear understanding of the differences between the Large Scale Interventions and conventional top down conferences. It is a comprehensive book dealing with the principles, steps, benefits, cautions, and other related aspects for the practitioners of LGI. The most interesting part is the evaluation of the LGI processes, and their assessment in terms of their sustainability. The book can be very useful for practitioners of LGI in any format, as well as researchers and graduate students who wish to consider entering the field of participatory change. (Dr. Kiron Wadhera, Asian Centre for Organisation Research and Development)
This book is the first data based, detailed book at large scale interventions and their effectiveness, when evaluated against the parameter of sustainability. Tonnie also looks at evidence-based approaches in medicine, social work, management, finance, education and consultancy, and explores some of the pros, cons, and dilemmas. The Bibliography itself shows the wide range of relevant references, and can be quite an education, depending on how one chooses to use it. A must read for practitioners, consultants, academics, researchers, and members of management of any organisation in any sector. (Prof. George Koreth, Asian Centre for Organsation Research and Development)