Networks I (co-)initiated:
COS: Challenging Organisations and Society. reflective hybrids. An open LinkedIn group, part of a growing discourse for reflective hybrids connecting theory and practice for dealing with challenges in organisations and society.
Research LSI: A platform for researchers, practitioners and clients about effectiveness of LSI.
Praktijk LSI (Practice LSI) : A private LinkedIn group for alumni of the LSI trainings and workshops, for sharing knowledge and experiences
Logica van het gevoel (Logic of Feeling): Meeting space for people who work with the thoughts of Arnold Cornelis for developing communicative self steering capacity.
Networks I participate in:
FSN: World wide network of users of Future Search, a method for cooperative planning with stakeholders
Open Space World: World wide network of users of Open Space Technology, a method for working productively with large groups
World Café Community: World wide network of users of The World Café, a powerful social technology for engaging people in conversations that matter
AOM: Academy of Management, the largest network for connecting management scholarship
Ooa : Dutch Consultancy Order
Sol Global: Society for Organizational Learning, an intentional learning community composed of organizations, individuals, and local SoL communities around the world.