Method: Large Scale Interventions (LSI)
Large Scale Interventions (LSI) form an approach for working with the ‘whole system’ of stakeholders. An approach that has proven to be successful for change processes thousands of times. All over the world, in small and large organisations, profit and non-profit, local communities, regions or even world-wide projects. LSI is a participative, co-creative approach for change. LSI is for people who want to use their creative powers to the fullest. It facilitates ownership and builds capacity for change in an organisation or community, as opposed to tell, sell or test approaches. Contact me if you consider organising a participative change process and want to :
- Deal with complex situations, with unresolved questions
- Develop a sense of community, even among very different participants
- Facilitate breakthrough thinking and innovation
- Create a clear picture for everyone in the company/organisation/community and thus focus energies
- Produce breakthrough results in cases of urgent problems
- Facilitate “multi-stakeholder” processes in a situation where many parties have to collaborate on common ground to realise a desired future
Large Scale Interventions bring people together to build a framework that supports shared agreements for action. It also supports fast change. LSI enables (very larges numbers of) people to work together and:
- Understand the need for change
- Analyse current reality, in relation to the past and to possible futures
- Design and perform the change process
LSI provides methods for balancing top-down and bottom-up decision-making. LSI comprises a trajectory with stakeholders contributing to the change process at all stages. On one or more occasions (a substantial representation of) the whole system is invited into one room, to work on strategic issues. The scale addresses the large numbers of people involved and also refers to viewing change processes in connection to their larger context. To be able to work productively with a large group (15 to more than 1000 participants) in the room a whole family of methods has been developed, the Large Group Intervention (LGI) methods. Read more about Large Scale Interventions on my website
Examples of work meetings with large groups
An Open Space meeting with 50 participants, to gather points of attention for a new quality standard for food and moisture shortages.
Met 600 stakeholders bouwstenen verzamelen voor de Meerjarenstrategie
Visieontwikkeling met ca. 60 deelnemers
Gezien, gehoord, gekend in het hoger onderwijs
Innovatie, Inzichten en Inspiratie in zorgrelaties