There is not one best way to effect change, the success of a change approach depends on the circumstances and the nature of a problem or issue. A change strategy must be carefully selected. I can help you to match the change approach with the task and situation. For a sattisfying return on expectations. Contact me to discuss organising a participative change proces, involving large groups of people in a relatively short time, if you want to:
- Build capacity for change in your organisation
- Deal with complex situations, with unresolved questions
- Develop a sense of community, even among very different stakeholders
- Facilitate breakthrough thinking and innovation
- Create a clear picture for everyone in the company/organisation/community and focus energies
- Produce breakthrough results in case of urgent problems
- Facilitate “multi-stakeholder” processes, in a situation where many parties have to collaborate on common ground to realise a desired future
Frequently I work with a combination of a participative change process and training workshop for management and internal facilitators, in order to transfer knowledge and skills in organising participation and interaction. To develop the change capacities in the organisation and reduce dependency on external consultants as much as possible. I work with change approaches as Systems Thinking, Large Scale Interventions (LSI) and Learning Histories.

Poster with results and an impression of a three-day Future Search concerning safety and liveability of the inner city of Enschede. November 2023